Chapter 16 – Latent Change Score Modeling

1 Overview

This tutorial walks through the fitting of univariate latent change score models in the structural equation modeling framework in R using using the lavaan package.

The example follows Chapter 16 of Grimm, Ram, and Estabrook (2017). Please refer to the chapter for further interpretations and insights about the analyses.

1.0.1 Prelim - Loading libraries used in this script.

library(corrplot) #plotting correlation matrices
library(lavaan)  #for fitting structural equation models
library(semPlot)  #for automatically making diagrams 

1.0.2 Prelim - Reading in Repeated Measures Data

We use data from the NLSY-CYA (Center for Human Resource Research, 2009) that includes repeated measures of children’s math ability (math) from the second through eighth grade.

Reading in the data

#set filepath
filepath <- ""
#read in the text data file using the url() function
nlsy_data <- read.table(file=url(filepath),na.strings = ".")

#adding names for the columns of the data set
names(nlsy_data) <- c('id', 'female', 'lb_wght', 'anti_k1', 'math2', 'math3', 'math4', 'math5', 'math6', 'math7', 'math8', 'age2', 'age3', 'age4', 'age5', 'age6', 'age7', 'age8', 'men2', 'men3', 'men4', 'men5', 'men6', 'men7', 'men8', 'spring2', 'spring3', 'spring4', 'spring5', 'spring6', 'spring7', 'spring8', 'anti2', 'anti3', 'anti4', 'anti5', 'anti6', 'anti7', 'anti8')

#reduce data down to the id variable and the math and reading variables of interest
nlsy_data <- nlsy_data[ ,c('id', 'math2', 'math3', 'math4', 'math5', 'math6', 'math7', 'math8')]

vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
id 1 933 532334.89711 3.280208e+05 506602.0 520130.77108 391999.4400 201 1256601 1256400 0.2841659 -0.9078872 1.073892e+04
math2 2 335 32.60896 1.028600e+01 32.0 32.27509 10.3782 12 60 48 0.2686681 -0.4600130 5.619840e-01
math3 3 431 39.88399 1.029949e+01 41.0 39.88406 10.3782 13 67 54 -0.0520929 -0.3259168 4.961091e-01
math4 4 378 46.16931 1.016510e+01 46.0 46.22039 8.8956 18 70 52 -0.0595783 -0.0759665 5.228366e-01
math5 5 372 49.77419 9.471909e+00 48.0 49.76510 8.8956 23 71 48 0.0425474 -0.3381126 4.910956e-01
math6 6 390 52.72308 9.915594e+00 50.5 52.38462 9.6369 24 78 54 0.2510417 -0.3808615 5.020956e-01
math7 7 173 55.35260 1.062727e+01 53.0 55.08633 11.8608 31 81 50 0.2148479 -0.9709622 8.079765e-01
math8 8 142 57.83099 1.153101e+01 56.0 57.42982 12.6021 26 81 55 0.1590545 -0.5222967 9.676607e-01

1.0.3 Prelim - Plotting the Repeated Measures Data

#reshaping wide to wide
data_long <- reshape(data=nlsy_data,
                    varying = c('math2', 'math3', 'math4', 'math5', 'math6', 'math7', 'math8'),
                    direction="long", sep="")

#sorting for easy viewing
#reorder by id and day
data_long <- data_long[order(data_long$id,data_long$grade), ]

#looking at the long data
head(data_long, 8)
id grade math
201.2 201 2 NA
201.3 201 3 38
201.4 201 4 NA
201.5 201 5 55
201.6 201 6 NA
201.7 201 7 NA
201.8 201 8 NA
303.2 303 2 26
#Plotting intraindividual change MATH
ggplot(data = data_long, aes(x = grade, y = math, group = id)) +
  geom_point(color="blue") + 
  geom_line(color="blue") +
  xlab("Grade") + 
  ylab("PIAT Mathematics") + 
  scale_x_continuous(limits=c(2,8), breaks=seq(2,8,by=1)) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,90), breaks=seq(0,90,by=10))
## Warning: Removed 4310 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
## Warning: Removed 2787 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).

The plot shows individual trajectories of the PIAT Mathematics scores across Grade 2 to 8. One can notice the attrition and only partial overlap across years - which requires some assumptions about the missing data (i.e., missing at random).

2 Dual Change Score Model

2.1 Model Specification

Following the examples in the book, we specify the Dual Change Score Model - which accomodates the nonlinear shape we see in the data. The model invokes the latent variables and builds the difference scores, incorporates the constant growth factor and the proportional change. Lines invoking each set of latent variables and arrows is indicated in the model specification.

The model diagram follows this kind of setup … diagram

Model Specification

dcm_math <- ' #opening quote
  #latent true scores (loadings = 1)
    lm1 =~ 1*math2
    lm2 =~ 1*math3
    lm3 =~ 1*math4
    lm4 =~ 1*math5
    lm5 =~ 1*math6
    lm6 =~ 1*math7
    lm7 =~ 1*math8

  #latent true score means (initial free, others = 0)  
    lm1 ~ 1
    lm2 ~ 0*1
    lm3 ~ 0*1
    lm4 ~ 0*1
    lm5 ~ 0*1
    lm6 ~ 0*1
    lm7 ~ 0*1

  #latent true score variances (initial free, others = 0)
    lm1 ~~ start(15)*lm1
    lm2 ~~ 0*lm2
    lm3 ~~ 0*lm3
    lm4 ~~ 0*lm4
    lm5 ~~ 0*lm5
    lm6 ~~ 0*lm6
    lm7 ~~ 0*lm7

  #observed intercepts (fixed to 0)
    math2 ~ 0*1
    math3 ~ 0*1
    math4 ~ 0*1
    math5 ~ 0*1
    math6 ~ 0*1
    math7 ~ 0*1
    math8 ~ 0*1

  #observed residual variances (constrained to equality)
    math2 ~~ sigma2_u*math2
    math3 ~~ sigma2_u*math3
    math4 ~~ sigma2_u*math4
    math5 ~~ sigma2_u*math5
    math6 ~~ sigma2_u*math6
    math7 ~~ sigma2_u*math7
    math8 ~~ sigma2_u*math8

  #autoregressions (fixed = 1)
    lm2 ~ 1*lm1
    lm3 ~ 1*lm2
    lm4 ~ 1*lm3
    lm5 ~ 1*lm4
    lm6 ~ 1*lm5
    lm7 ~ 1*lm6

  #latent change scores (fixed = 1)
    dm2 =~ 1*lm2
    dm3 =~ 1*lm3
    dm4 =~ 1*lm4
    dm5 =~ 1*lm5
    dm6 =~ 1*lm6
    dm7 =~ 1*lm7

  #latent change score means (constrained to 0)  
    dm2 ~ 0*1
    dm3 ~ 0*1
    dm4 ~ 0*1
    dm5 ~ 0*1
    dm6 ~ 0*1
    dm7 ~ 0*1

  #latent change score variances (constrained to 0)  
    dm2 ~~ 0*dm2
    dm3 ~~ 0*dm3
    dm4 ~~ 0*dm4
    dm5 ~~ 0*dm5
    dm6 ~~ 0*dm6
    dm7 ~~ 0*dm7

  #constant change factor (loadings = 1)
    g2 =~ 1*dm2 + 
          1*dm3 + 
          1*dm4 + 
          1*dm5 + 
          1*dm6 + 

  #constant change factor mean  
    g2 ~ start(15)*1

  #constant change factor variance
    g2 ~~ g2

  #constant change factor covariance with the initial true score
    g2 ~~ lm1

  #proportional effects (constrained equal)
    dm2 ~ start(-.2)*pi_m * lm1
    dm3 ~ start(-.2)*pi_m * lm2
    dm4 ~ start(-.2)*pi_m * lm3
    dm5 ~ start(-.2)*pi_m * lm4
    dm6 ~ start(-.2)*pi_m * lm5
    dm7 ~ start(-.2)*pi_m * lm6
' #closing quote

2.2 Model Estimation and Interpretation

We fit the model using lavaan.

#Model fitting
fit_math <- lavaan(dcm_math,
                data = nlsy_data, #note that fitting uses wide data
                meanstructure = TRUE,
                estimator = "ML",
                missing = "fiml",
                fixed.x = FALSE,
## Warning in lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, cluster = cluster, : lavaan WARNING: some cases are empty and will be ignored:
##   741
## Warning in lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, cluster = cluster, : lavaan
## WARNING: due to missing values, some pairwise combinations have less than 10%
## coverage
#Model summary
summary(fit_math, fit.measures=TRUE)
## lavaan 0.6-8 ended normally after 48 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB
##   Number of model parameters                        18
##   Number of equality constraints                    11
##                                                   Used       Total
##   Number of observations                           932         933
##   Number of missing patterns                        60            
## Model Test User Model:
##   Test statistic                                58.308
##   Degrees of freedom                                28
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.001
## Model Test Baseline Model:
##   Test statistic                               862.333
##   Degrees of freedom                                21
##   P-value                                        0.000
## User Model versus Baseline Model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.964
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.973
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -7895.605
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -7866.451
##   Akaike (AIC)                               15805.209
##   Bayesian (BIC)                             15839.071
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)        15816.839
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.034
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.022
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.046
##   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.985
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.136
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Standard errors                             Standard
##   Information                                 Observed
##   Observed information based on                Hessian
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   lm1 =~                                              
##     math2             1.000                           
##   lm2 =~                                              
##     math3             1.000                           
##   lm3 =~                                              
##     math4             1.000                           
##   lm4 =~                                              
##     math5             1.000                           
##   lm5 =~                                              
##     math6             1.000                           
##   lm6 =~                                              
##     math7             1.000                           
##   lm7 =~                                              
##     math8             1.000                           
##   dm2 =~                                              
##     lm2               1.000                           
##   dm3 =~                                              
##     lm3               1.000                           
##   dm4 =~                                              
##     lm4               1.000                           
##   dm5 =~                                              
##     lm5               1.000                           
##   dm6 =~                                              
##     lm6               1.000                           
##   dm7 =~                                              
##     lm7               1.000                           
##   g2 =~                                               
##     dm2               1.000                           
##     dm3               1.000                           
##     dm4               1.000                           
##     dm5               1.000                           
##     dm6               1.000                           
##     dm7               1.000                           
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   lm2 ~                                               
##     lm1               1.000                           
##   lm3 ~                                               
##     lm2               1.000                           
##   lm4 ~                                               
##     lm3               1.000                           
##   lm5 ~                                               
##     lm4               1.000                           
##   lm6 ~                                               
##     lm5               1.000                           
##   lm7 ~                                               
##     lm6               1.000                           
##   dm2 ~                                               
##     lm1     (pi_m)   -0.241    0.018  -13.387    0.000
##   dm3 ~                                               
##     lm2     (pi_m)   -0.241    0.018  -13.387    0.000
##   dm4 ~                                               
##     lm3     (pi_m)   -0.241    0.018  -13.387    0.000
##   dm5 ~                                               
##     lm4     (pi_m)   -0.241    0.018  -13.387    0.000
##   dm6 ~                                               
##     lm5     (pi_m)   -0.241    0.018  -13.387    0.000
##   dm7 ~                                               
##     lm6     (pi_m)   -0.241    0.018  -13.387    0.000
## Covariances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   lm1 ~~                                              
##     g2               13.746    1.699    8.092    0.000
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     lm1              32.533    0.434   74.955    0.000
##    .lm2               0.000                           
##    .lm3               0.000                           
##    .lm4               0.000                           
##    .lm5               0.000                           
##    .lm6               0.000                           
##    .lm7               0.000                           
##    .math2             0.000                           
##    .math3             0.000                           
##    .math4             0.000                           
##    .math5             0.000                           
##    .math6             0.000                           
##    .math7             0.000                           
##    .math8             0.000                           
##    .dm2               0.000                           
##    .dm3               0.000                           
##    .dm4               0.000                           
##    .dm5               0.000                           
##    .dm6               0.000                           
##    .dm7               0.000                           
##     g2               15.222    0.815   18.687    0.000
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     lm1              71.900    6.548   10.980    0.000
##    .lm2               0.000                           
##    .lm3               0.000                           
##    .lm4               0.000                           
##    .lm5               0.000                           
##    .lm6               0.000                           
##    .lm7               0.000                           
##    .math2   (sg2_)   30.818    1.700   18.126    0.000
##    .math3   (sg2_)   30.818    1.700   18.126    0.000
##    .math4   (sg2_)   30.818    1.700   18.126    0.000
##    .math5   (sg2_)   30.818    1.700   18.126    0.000
##    .math6   (sg2_)   30.818    1.700   18.126    0.000
##    .math7   (sg2_)   30.818    1.700   18.126    0.000
##    .math8   (sg2_)   30.818    1.700   18.126    0.000
##    .dm2               0.000                           
##    .dm3               0.000                           
##    .dm4               0.000                           
##    .dm5               0.000                           
##    .dm6               0.000                           
##    .dm7               0.000                           
##     g2                5.602    0.837    6.695    0.000
#Model Diagram 
# semPaths(dcm_math, what="est",
#          sizeLat = 7, sizeMan = 7, edge.label.cex = .75)
#Note that semPaths does not know how to draw this kind of model. 
#So, better to map to the diagram from the book. 

The change equation based on the ouput could be written as

Change in Math:

\[\Delta_{math} = 15.222 - 0.241(math_{t-1})\] We see there is both constant change (a linear component) and proportional change (a nonlinear component)

2.3 Predicted scores

#obtaining predicted scores
nlsy_predicted <- cbind(nlsy_data$id,, type = "yhat")))
names(nlsy_predicted)[1] <- "id"
#looking at data
id math2 math3 math4 math5 math6 math7 math8
201 33.14196 40.99641 46.95784 51.48248 54.91663 57.52309 59.50137
303 24.16182 30.57662 35.44537 39.14069 41.94539 44.07411 45.68979
2702 49.24606 56.78947 62.51481 66.86027 70.15842 72.66167 74.56160
4303 37.40837 45.27911 51.25289 55.78691 59.22818 61.84005 63.82242
5002 33.84478 41.89858 48.01132 52.65080 56.17210 58.84472 60.87321
5005 35.65097 43.24185 49.00324 53.37605 56.69495 59.21396 61.12585
#reshaping wide to long
predicted_long <- reshape(data=nlsy_predicted,
                    varying = c('math2', 'math3', 'math4', 'math5', 'math6', 'math7', 'math8'),
                    direction="long", sep="")

#sorting for easy viewing
#reorder by id and day
predicted_long <- predicted_long[order(predicted_long$id,predicted_long$grade), ]

#looking at the long data
head(predicted_long, 14)
id grade math
201.2 201 2 33.14196
201.3 201 3 40.99641
201.4 201 4 46.95784
201.5 201 5 51.48248
201.6 201 6 54.91663
201.7 201 7 57.52309
201.8 201 8 59.50137
303.2 303 2 24.16182
303.3 303 3 30.57662
303.4 303 4 35.44537
303.5 303 5 39.14069
303.6 303 6 41.94539
303.7 303 7 44.07411
303.8 303 8 45.68979
#Plotting intraindividual change MATH
ggplot(data = predicted_long, aes(x = grade, y = math, group = id)) +
  #geom_point(color="blue") + 
  geom_line(color="blue") +
  xlab("Grade") + 
  ylab("Predicted PIAT Mathematics") + 
  scale_x_continuous(limits=c(2,8), breaks=seq(2,8,by=1)) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,90), breaks=seq(0,90,by=10))
## Warning: Removed 7 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).

These figures (similar to Figure 16.3 in the book) show the nonlinear exponential-type shape that is captured by the dual change score model. Notice also how the missing data was inferred through full information maximum likelihood uncer the missing at random assumption.

See also Ghisletta, P., & McArdle, J. J. (2012). Teacher’s Corner: Latent Curve Models and Latent Change Score Models Estimated in R. Structural Equation Modeling, 19(4): 651-682. doi:10.1080/10705511.2012.713275.

3 Conclusion

The latent change score models provide a framework for examining change as an outcome explicitly by constructing a series of latent change variables and modeling those. This changes our thinking from modeling the observed repeated measures outcome \(Y_it\) to thinking about the change \(\Delta Y_{it}\) explicitly. This totally expands how we model dynamics of change!

Change to Change! Go for it!