Item Factor Analysis, Measurement Invariance + 2nd order Growth Model (ECLS-K)

1 Overview

In this tutorial we walk through example of testing measurement invariance and modeling change with latent variables measured by Ordinal indicators.
The example follows Chapter 15 of Growth Modeling: Structural Equation and Multilevel Modeling Approaches (Grimm, Ram & Estabrook, 2017).

Using 3-occasion data from the ECLS-K, we set up an item factor analysis model, test for factorial invariance, and then use a second-order growth model to describe change in the factor scores across time. Prelim - Loading libraries used in this script.

library(corrplot) #plotting correlation matrices
library(lavaan)  #for fitting structural equation models
library(semPlot)  #for automatically making diagrams Prelim - Reading in Repeated Measures Data

For this example, we use an ECLS-K dataset that is in wideform. There are variables for parent’s and teachers’ ratings of children’s of children’s behavior in the fall and spring of kindergarten and spring of first grade on interpersonal skills, self-control, and externalizing behaviors. Ratings were made using a four-point (1-4) scale where higher values indicated more of the behavior.

These behavior ratings are thought to be indicators of a higher-order child behavior factor

We only use the teacher ratings here.

#set filepath for data file
filepath <- ""
#read in the text data file using the url() function
dat <- read.table(file=url(filepath),na.strings = ".") 

names(dat) <- c("id", 
                "p1_sc", "p1_soc", "p1_sad", "p1_imp", 
                "p2_sc", "p2_soc", "p2_sad", "p2_imp", 
                "p4_sc", "p4_soc", "p4_sad", "p4_imp", 
                "t1_sc", "t1_intp", "t1_ext", "t1_int", 
                "t2_sc", "t2_intp", "t2_ext", "t2_int", 
                "t4_sc", "t4_intp", "t4_ext", "t4_int")

#selecting only the teacher reports
dat <- dat[ ,c("id", "t1_sc", "t1_intp", "t1_ext", "t1_int", 
                "t2_sc", "t2_intp", "t2_ext", "t2_int", 
                "t4_sc", "t4_intp", "t4_ext", "t4_int")] Prelim - Descriptives

Lets have a quick look at the data file and the descriptives.

#look at data structure
id t1_sc t1_intp t1_ext t1_int t2_sc t2_intp t2_ext t2_int t4_sc t4_intp t4_ext t4_int
1 4 4 1 2 NA NA NA NA 4 3 1 1
2 4 4 1 1 4 4 1 1 4 4 1 1
16 3 2 2 1 4 4 1 1 3 4 1 2
19 4 4 1 1 4 4 1 1 3 3 1 3
35 4 3 1 2 3 3 1 3 3 2 1 2
36 3 3 2 1 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2
48 4 3 1 2 4 4 1 2 4 3 1 1
50 4 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 4 3 1 2
54 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 2
58 3 NA 3 2 3 2 4 3 3 3 3 2
#descriptives (means, sds)
describe(dat[,-1]) #-1 to remove the id column
vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
t1_sc 1 3198 3.215135 0.6949452 3 3.273828 1.4826 1 4 3 -0.3897593 -0.6238324 0.0122889
t1_intp 2 3162 3.024668 0.7159051 3 3.040712 0.0000 1 4 3 -0.1654381 -0.6702866 0.0127314
t1_ext 3 3262 1.586143 0.6981145 1 1.476628 0.0000 1 4 3 1.0780229 0.9799469 0.0122232
t1_int 4 3231 1.545342 0.6273211 1 1.475048 0.0000 1 4 3 0.8931608 0.6133514 0.0110362
t2_sc 5 3479 3.307560 0.7001419 3 3.389228 1.4826 1 4 3 -0.5764546 -0.5477944 0.0118702
t2_intp 6 3460 3.191330 0.7131807 3 3.244220 1.4826 1 4 3 -0.3633800 -0.7522430 0.0121244
t2_ext 7 3482 1.646467 0.7069649 2 1.536253 1.4826 1 4 3 0.9315256 0.6705202 0.0119807
t2_int 8 3466 1.587998 0.6323781 2 1.520908 1.4826 1 4 3 0.7793179 0.4288969 0.0107414
t4_sc 9 3619 3.284885 0.6969259 3 3.359337 1.4826 1 4 3 -0.5016578 -0.6670892 0.0115849
t4_intp 10 3610 3.125208 0.7246991 3 3.163435 1.4826 1 4 3 -0.2816960 -0.7838474 0.0120616
t4_ext 11 3621 1.631593 0.7122732 2 1.517777 1.4826 1 4 3 0.9590041 0.6168455 0.0118367
t4_int 12 3639 1.636988 0.6445657 2 1.567800 1.4826 1 4 3 0.7215088 0.4414765 0.0106850
#correlation matrix
round(cor(dat[,-1], use = "pairwise.complete"),2)
##         t1_sc t1_intp t1_ext t1_int t2_sc t2_intp t2_ext t2_int t4_sc t4_intp
## t1_sc    1.00    0.69  -0.59  -0.25  0.55    0.48  -0.48  -0.18  0.34    0.33
## t1_intp  0.69    1.00  -0.48  -0.31  0.47    0.53  -0.39  -0.23  0.29    0.32
## t1_ext  -0.59   -0.48   1.00   0.20 -0.51   -0.45   0.64   0.14 -0.38   -0.34
## t1_int  -0.25   -0.31   0.20   1.00 -0.18   -0.23   0.15   0.47 -0.10   -0.15
## t2_sc    0.55    0.47  -0.51  -0.18  1.00    0.70  -0.63  -0.26  0.39    0.36
## t2_intp  0.48    0.53  -0.45  -0.23  0.70    1.00  -0.54  -0.31  0.34    0.36
## t2_ext  -0.48   -0.39   0.64   0.15 -0.63   -0.54   1.00   0.24 -0.41   -0.36
## t2_int  -0.18   -0.23   0.14   0.47 -0.26   -0.31   0.24   1.00 -0.13   -0.16
## t4_sc    0.34    0.29  -0.38  -0.10  0.39    0.34  -0.41  -0.13  1.00    0.72
## t4_intp  0.33    0.32  -0.34  -0.15  0.36    0.36  -0.36  -0.16  0.72    1.00
## t4_ext  -0.37   -0.30   0.46   0.09 -0.41   -0.36   0.49   0.11 -0.62   -0.55
## t4_int  -0.15   -0.16   0.12   0.20 -0.14   -0.16   0.13   0.24 -0.28   -0.32
##         t4_ext t4_int
## t1_sc    -0.37  -0.15
## t1_intp  -0.30  -0.16
## t1_ext    0.46   0.12
## t1_int    0.09   0.20
## t2_sc    -0.41  -0.14
## t2_intp  -0.36  -0.16
## t2_ext    0.49   0.13
## t2_int    0.11   0.24
## t4_sc    -0.62  -0.28
## t4_intp  -0.55  -0.32
## t4_ext    1.00   0.29
## t4_int    0.29   1.00
#visusal correlation matrix
corrplot(cor(dat[,-1], use = "pairwise.complete"), order = "original", tl.col='black', tl.cex=.75) 

2 Longitudnal Item Factor Analysis Model

2.1 Configural Invariance model

The configural invariance model imposes the least constraints on the factor structure across time. The only constraint is that the number of factors and pattern of zero and nonzero loadings of the common factor model are identical across measurement occasions. We define an “child behavior” factor for each of the 3 occasions, each time so that the factor is indicated by time-specific interpersonal skills, self-control, and externalizing behaviors.

While the common factor at each of the measurement occasions can be interpreted similarly (e.g., is named “academic achievement”), this model does not impose or assume that the time-specific factors measures the same construct , or that the factors are measured on the same scale.

The diagram would look like congig With some additional thresholds as we have multiple ordered response categories.

Model Specification

configural_invar <- ' #opening quote
#factor loadings
  eta1 =~ 1*t1_sc + #for identification
          t1_intp + 
  eta2 =~ 1*t2_sc + #for identification
          t2_intp + 
  eta3 =~ 1*t4_sc + #for identification
          t4_intp + 
#latent variable variances
#latent variable covariances

#latent variable means
   eta1~0*1 #for scaling
   eta2~0*1 #for scaling
   eta3~0*1 #for scaling
#propensity variances
   t1_sc  ~~ 1*t1_sc
   t1_intp~~ 1*t1_intp
   t1_ext ~~ 1*t1_ext
   t2_sc  ~~ 1*t2_sc
   t2_intp~~ 1*t2_intp
   t2_ext ~~ 1*t2_ext
   t4_sc  ~~ 1*t4_sc
   t4_intp~~ 1*t4_intp
   t4_ext ~~ 1*t4_ext

#unique covariances
#observed variable intercepts/thresholds (4 categories = 3 thresholds)
   t1_sc   |t1 + t2 + t3
   t1_intp |t1 + t2 + t3
   t1_ext  |t1 + t2 + t3
   t2_sc   |t1 + t2 + t3
   t2_intp |t1 + t2 + t3
   t2_ext  |t1 + t2 + t3
   t4_sc   |t1 + t2 + t3
   t4_intp |t1 + t2 + t3
   t4_ext  |t1 + t2 + t3
' #closing quote

Model Estimation and Interpretation

#Model fitting
fit_configural <- cfa(configural_invar, data = dat, parameterization="theta", missing="pairwise",
                      ordered=c("t1_sc", "t1_intp", "t1_ext", "t1_int", 
                                "t2_sc", "t2_intp", "t2_ext", "t2_int", 
                                "t4_sc", "t4_intp", "t4_ext", "t4_int"))
## Warning in lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, cluster = cluster, : lavaan WARNING: some cases are empty and will be ignored:
##   60
summary(fit_configural, fit.measures = TRUE)
## lavaan 0.6-8 ended normally after 126 iterations
##   Estimator                                       DWLS
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB
##   Number of model parameters                        39
##                                                   Used       Total
##   Number of observations                          3638        3639
##   Number of missing patterns                        48            
## Model Test User Model:
##                                               Standard      Robust
##   Test Statistic                               814.553    1339.846
##   Degrees of freedom                                24          24
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  0.610
##   Shift parameter                                            5.209
##        simple second-order correction                             
## Model Test Baseline Model:
##   Test statistic                             84147.713   45237.710
##   Degrees of freedom                                36          36
##   P-value                                        0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.861
## User Model versus Baseline Model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.991       0.971
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.986       0.956
##   Robust Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                            NA
##   Robust Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                               NA
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.095       0.123
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.090       0.117
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.101       0.128
##   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.000       0.000
##   Robust RMSEA                                                  NA
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower                        NA
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper                        NA
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.060       0.060
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Standard errors                           Robust.sem
##   Information                                 Expected
##   Information saturated (h1) model        Unstructured
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   eta1 =~                                             
##     t1_sc             1.000                           
##     t1_intp           0.727    0.045   16.020    0.000
##     t1_ext           -0.825    0.053  -15.546    0.000
##   eta2 =~                                             
##     t2_sc             1.000                           
##     t2_intp           0.750    0.047   15.806    0.000
##     t2_ext           -0.786    0.048  -16.385    0.000
##   eta3 =~                                             
##     t4_sc             1.000                           
##     t4_intp           0.693    0.063   11.079    0.000
##     t4_ext           -0.596    0.046  -12.850    0.000
## Covariances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   eta1 ~~                                             
##     eta2              3.865    0.262   14.749    0.000
##     eta3              3.056    0.262   11.667    0.000
##   eta2 ~~                                             
##     eta3              3.583    0.299   12.000    0.000
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     eta1              0.000                           
##     eta2              0.000                           
##     eta3              0.000                           
##    .t1_sc             0.000                           
##    .t1_intp           0.000                           
##    .t1_ext            0.000                           
##    .t2_sc             0.000                           
##    .t2_intp           0.000                           
##    .t2_ext            0.000                           
##    .t4_sc             0.000                           
##    .t4_intp           0.000                           
##    .t4_ext            0.000                           
## Thresholds:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     t1_sc|t1         -6.165    0.268  -23.019    0.000
##     t1_sc|t2         -2.426    0.104  -23.399    0.000
##     t1_sc|t3          0.785    0.056   14.034    0.000
##     t1_intp|t1       -4.411    0.151  -29.143    0.000
##     t1_intp|t2       -1.361    0.053  -25.848    0.000
##     t1_intp|t3        1.171    0.048   24.262    0.000
##     t1_ext|t1         0.094    0.044    2.119    0.034
##     t1_ext|t2         2.718    0.103   26.349    0.000
##     t1_ext|t3         4.224    0.159   26.499    0.000
##     t2_sc|t1         -6.516    0.311  -20.983    0.000
##     t2_sc|t2         -2.764    0.114  -24.229    0.000
##     t2_sc|t3          0.358    0.052    6.827    0.000
##     t2_intp|t1       -5.189    0.208  -24.905    0.000
##     t2_intp|t2       -1.879    0.064  -29.301    0.000
##     t2_intp|t3        0.681    0.044   15.513    0.000
##     t2_ext|t1        -0.148    0.043   -3.434    0.001
##     t2_ext|t2         2.608    0.092   28.229    0.000
##     t2_ext|t3         4.251    0.151   28.122    0.000
##     t4_sc|t1         -7.709    0.502  -15.365    0.000
##     t4_sc|t2         -3.060    0.179  -17.078    0.000
##     t4_sc|t3          0.539    0.063    8.572    0.000
##     t4_intp|t1       -5.225    0.198  -26.423    0.000
##     t4_intp|t2       -1.756    0.069  -25.566    0.000
##     t4_intp|t3        0.920    0.050   18.439    0.000
##     t4_ext|t1        -0.054    0.038   -1.416    0.157
##     t4_ext|t2         2.334    0.074   31.375    0.000
##     t4_ext|t3         3.886    0.120   32.441    0.000
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     eta1              4.425    0.395   11.197    0.000
##     eta2              5.047    0.456   11.059    0.000
##     eta3              6.719    0.857    7.837    0.000
##    .t1_sc             1.000                           
##    .t1_intp           1.000                           
##    .t1_ext            1.000                           
##    .t2_sc             1.000                           
##    .t2_intp           1.000                           
##    .t2_ext            1.000                           
##    .t4_sc             1.000                           
##    .t4_intp           1.000                           
##    .t4_ext            1.000                           
## Scales y*:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     t1_sc             0.429                           
##     t1_intp           0.547                           
##     t1_ext            0.499                           
##     t2_sc             0.407                           
##     t2_intp           0.510                           
##     t2_ext            0.493                           
##     t4_sc             0.360                           
##     t4_intp           0.486                           
##     t4_ext            0.543
#Model Diagram 
semPaths(fit_configural, what="est", 
         sizeLat = 7, sizeMan = 7, edge.label.cex = .75)

Note that semPaths does not quite know how to draw this kind of model. So, we check the output as well.

2.2 Weak Invariance Model

The weak (or metric) invariance model imposes the additional constraint that the factor loadings are identical at all measurement occasions. The equality constraints on the factor laodings impose that the covariance structures across time are proportional.

The diagram would look like metric Notice in the naming of the factor loadings that the \(\lambda\) are invariant across time.

Model Specification (additional constraints that \(\boldsymbol{\Lambda_t} = \boldsymbol{\Lambda}\))

weak_invar <- ' #opening quote
#factor loadings
  eta1 =~ 1*t1_sc + #for identification
          lambda_i*t1_intp + 
  eta2 =~ 1*t2_sc + #for identification
          lambda_i*t2_intp + 
  eta3 =~ 1*t4_sc + #for identification
          lambda_i*t4_intp + 
#latent variable variances
#latent variable covariances

#latent variable means
   eta1~0*1 #for scaling
   eta2~0*1 #for scaling
   eta3~0*1 #for scaling
# #propensity variances
#    t1_sc  ~~ 1*t1_sc
#    t1_intp~~ 1*t1_intp
#    t1_ext ~~ 1*t1_ext
#    t2_sc  ~~ 1*t2_sc
#    t2_intp~~ 1*t2_intp
#    t2_ext ~~ 1*t2_ext
#    t4_sc  ~~ 1*t4_sc
#    t4_intp~~ 1*t4_intp
#    t4_ext ~~ 1*t4_ext

#unique covariances
#observed variable intercepts
   t1_sc   |t1 + t2 + t3
   t1_intp |t1 + t2 + t3
   t1_ext  |t1 + t2 + t3
   t2_sc   |t1 + t2 + t3
   t2_intp |t1 + t2 + t3
   t2_ext  |t1 + t2 + t3
   t4_sc   |t1 + t2 + t3
   t4_intp |t1 + t2 + t3
   t4_ext  |t1 + t2 + t3
' #closing quote

Model Estimation and Interpretation

#Model Estimation
fit_weak <- cfa(weak_invar, data = dat, parameterization="theta", missing="pairwise",
                      ordered=c("t1_sc", "t1_intp", "t1_ext", "t1_int", 
                                "t2_sc", "t2_intp", "t2_ext", "t2_int", 
                                "t4_sc", "t4_intp", "t4_ext", "t4_int"))
## Warning in lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, cluster = cluster, : lavaan WARNING: some cases are empty and will be ignored:
##   60
summary(fit_weak, fit.measures = TRUE)
## lavaan 0.6-8 ended normally after 93 iterations
##   Estimator                                       DWLS
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB
##   Number of model parameters                        39
##   Number of equality constraints                     4
##                                                   Used       Total
##   Number of observations                          3638        3639
##   Number of missing patterns                        48            
## Model Test User Model:
##                                               Standard      Robust
##   Test Statistic                               838.621    1198.931
##   Degrees of freedom                                28          28
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  0.703
##   Shift parameter                                            5.928
##        simple second-order correction                             
## Model Test Baseline Model:
##   Test statistic                             84147.713   45237.710
##   Degrees of freedom                                36          36
##   P-value                                        0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.861
## User Model versus Baseline Model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.990       0.974
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.988       0.967
##   Robust Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                            NA
##   Robust Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                               NA
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.089       0.107
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.084       0.102
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.094       0.112
##   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.000       0.000
##   Robust RMSEA                                                  NA
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower                        NA
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper                        NA
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.060       0.060
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Standard errors                           Robust.sem
##   Information                                 Expected
##   Information saturated (h1) model        Unstructured
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   eta1 =~                                             
##     t1_               1.000                           
##     t1_ (lambda_i)    0.730    0.029   24.773    0.000
##     t1_ (lambda_e)   -0.744    0.029  -25.850    0.000
##   eta2 =~                                             
##     t2_               1.000                           
##     t2_ (lambda_i)    0.730    0.029   24.773    0.000
##     t2_ (lambda_e)   -0.744    0.029  -25.850    0.000
##   eta3 =~                                             
##     t4_               1.000                           
##     t4_ (lambda_i)    0.730    0.029   24.773    0.000
##     t4_ (lambda_e)   -0.744    0.029  -25.850    0.000
## Covariances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   eta1 ~~                                             
##     eta2              4.094    0.260   15.757    0.000
##     eta3              2.867    0.196   14.641    0.000
##   eta2 ~~                                             
##     eta3              3.361    0.221   15.206    0.000
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     eta1              0.000                           
##     eta2              0.000                           
##     eta3              0.000                           
##    .t1_sc             0.000                           
##    .t1_intp           0.000                           
##    .t1_ext            0.000                           
##    .t2_sc             0.000                           
##    .t2_intp           0.000                           
##    .t2_ext            0.000                           
##    .t4_sc             0.000                           
##    .t4_intp           0.000                           
##    .t4_ext            0.000                           
## Thresholds:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     t1_sc|t1         -6.303    0.237  -26.542    0.000
##     t1_sc|t2         -2.480    0.085  -29.086    0.000
##     t1_sc|t3          0.803    0.055   14.583    0.000
##     t1_intp|t1       -4.507    0.140  -32.271    0.000
##     t1_intp|t2       -1.390    0.050  -27.530    0.000
##     t1_intp|t3        1.196    0.047   25.575    0.000
##     t1_ext|t1         0.089    0.042    2.129    0.033
##     t1_ext|t2         2.571    0.072   35.577    0.000
##     t1_ext|t3         3.995    0.116   34.478    0.000
##     t2_sc|t1         -6.674    0.271  -24.591    0.000
##     t2_sc|t2         -2.831    0.094  -30.239    0.000
##     t2_sc|t3          0.367    0.053    6.863    0.000
##     t2_intp|t1       -5.193    0.192  -27.068    0.000
##     t2_intp|t2       -1.881    0.056  -33.375    0.000
##     t2_intp|t3        0.681    0.043   15.930    0.000
##     t2_ext|t1        -0.145    0.042   -3.433    0.001
##     t2_ext|t2         2.558    0.072   35.594    0.000
##     t2_ext|t3         4.169    0.121   34.519    0.000
##     t4_sc|t1         -7.133    0.310  -23.019    0.000
##     t4_sc|t2         -2.831    0.093  -30.459    0.000
##     t4_sc|t3          0.499    0.054    9.190    0.000
##     t4_intp|t1       -5.072    0.167  -30.368    0.000
##     t4_intp|t2       -1.704    0.054  -31.587    0.000
##     t4_intp|t3        0.893    0.044   20.278    0.000
##     t4_ext|t1        -0.060    0.042   -1.415    0.157
##     t4_ext|t2         2.569    0.073   35.087    0.000
##     t4_ext|t3         4.278    0.122   34.996    0.000
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     eta1              4.672    0.309   15.127    0.000
##     eta2              5.343    0.361   14.786    0.000
##     eta3              5.608    0.363   15.435    0.000
##    .t1_sc             1.000                           
##    .t1_intp           1.000                           
##    .t1_ext            1.000                           
##    .t2_sc             1.000                           
##    .t2_intp           1.000                           
##    .t2_ext            1.000                           
##    .t4_sc             1.000                           
##    .t4_intp           1.000                           
##    .t4_ext            1.000                           
## Scales y*:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     t1_sc             0.420                           
##     t1_intp           0.535                           
##     t1_ext            0.528                           
##     t2_sc             0.397                           
##     t2_intp           0.510                           
##     t2_ext            0.502                           
##     t4_sc             0.389                           
##     t4_intp           0.501                           
##     t4_ext            0.493
#Model Diagram 
# semPaths(fit_weak, what="est",
#           sizeLat = 7, sizeMan = 7, edge.label.cex = .75)

2.3 Strong Invariance Model

The strong invariance model constrains observed variable intercepts (\(\tau\)), which in this case are the thresholds between ordered categories, to be equal across time, while means of the latent variables are allowed to differ across occasions. Since all mean-level change in the observed variables can be attributed to the factors, the scale of the latent variables is now equal across measurement occasions. Notice that in this set-up with the multiple response options modeled using thresholds, there are no additional resifual variances - so the Strong Invariance Model is also a Strict Factorial Invariance Model (or scalar invariance).

The diagram would look like scalar Notice now that the thresholds \(\tau\) are invariant across time.

Model Specification (additional constraints on manifest intercepts, \(\boldsymbol{\tau_t} = \boldsymbol{\tau}\))

strong_invar <- ' #opening quote
#factor loadings
  eta1 =~ 1*t1_sc + #for identification
          lambda_i*t1_intp + 
  eta2 =~ 1*t2_sc + #for identification
          lambda_i*t2_intp + 
  eta3 =~ 1*t4_sc + #for identification
          lambda_i*t4_intp + 
#latent variable variances
#latent variable covariances

#latent variable means
   eta1~0*1 #for scaling
   eta2~1 #free
   eta3~1 #free
# #propensity variances
#    t1_sc  ~~ 1*t1_sc
#    t1_intp~~ 1*t1_intp
#    t1_ext ~~ 1*t1_ext
#    t2_sc  ~~ 1*t2_sc
#    t2_intp~~ 1*t2_intp
#    t2_ext ~~ 1*t2_ext
#    t4_sc  ~~ 1*t4_sc
#    t4_intp~~ 1*t4_intp
#    t4_ext ~~ 1*t4_ext

#unique covariances
#observed variable intercepts (now with equality constraints)
   t1_sc   |tau_s1*t1 + tau_s2*t2 + tau_s3*t3
   t1_intp |tau_i1*t1 + tau_i2*t2 + tau_i3*t3
   t1_ext  |tau_e1*t1 + tau_e2*t2 + tau_e3*t3
   t2_sc   |tau_s1*t1 + tau_s2*t2 + tau_s3*t3
   t2_intp |tau_i1*t1 + tau_i2*t2 + tau_i3*t3
   t2_ext  |tau_e1*t1 + tau_e2*t2 + tau_e3*t3
   t4_sc   |tau_s1*t1 + tau_s2*t2 + tau_s3*t3
   t4_intp |tau_i1*t1 + tau_i2*t2 + tau_i3*t3
   t4_ext  |tau_e1*t1 + tau_e2*t2 + tau_e3*t3
' #closing quote

Model Estimation & Interpretation

fit_strong <- cfa(strong_invar, data = dat, parameterization="theta", missing="pairwise",
                      ordered=c("t1_sc", "t1_intp", "t1_ext", "t1_int", 
                                "t2_sc", "t2_intp", "t2_ext", "t2_int", 
                                "t4_sc", "t4_intp", "t4_ext", "t4_int"))
## Warning in lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, cluster = cluster, : lavaan WARNING: some cases are empty and will be ignored:
##   60
summary(fit_strong, fit.measures = TRUE)
## lavaan 0.6-8 ended normally after 85 iterations
##   Estimator                                       DWLS
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB
##   Number of model parameters                        41
##   Number of equality constraints                    22
##                                                   Used       Total
##   Number of observations                          3638        3639
##   Number of missing patterns                        48            
## Model Test User Model:
##                                               Standard      Robust
##   Test Statistic                               962.008    1407.889
##   Degrees of freedom                                44          44
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  0.687
##   Shift parameter                                            7.608
##        simple second-order correction                             
## Model Test Baseline Model:
##   Test statistic                             84147.713   45237.710
##   Degrees of freedom                                36          36
##   P-value                                        0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.861
## User Model versus Baseline Model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.989       0.970
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.991       0.975
##   Robust Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                            NA
##   Robust Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                               NA
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.076       0.092
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.072       0.088
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.080       0.096
##   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.000       0.000
##   Robust RMSEA                                                  NA
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower                        NA
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper                        NA
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.060       0.060
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Standard errors                           Robust.sem
##   Information                                 Expected
##   Information saturated (h1) model        Unstructured
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   eta1 =~                                             
##     t1_               1.000                           
##     t1_ (lambda_i)    0.730    0.030   24.644    0.000
##     t1_ (lambda_e)   -0.740    0.029  -25.838    0.000
##   eta2 =~                                             
##     t2_               1.000                           
##     t2_ (lambda_i)    0.730    0.030   24.644    0.000
##     t2_ (lambda_e)   -0.740    0.029  -25.838    0.000
##   eta3 =~                                             
##     t4_               1.000                           
##     t4_ (lambda_i)    0.730    0.030   24.644    0.000
##     t4_ (lambda_e)   -0.740    0.029  -25.838    0.000
## Covariances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   eta1 ~~                                             
##     eta2              4.156    0.262   15.837    0.000
##     eta3              2.857    0.194   14.713    0.000
##   eta2 ~~                                             
##     eta3              3.363    0.219   15.369    0.000
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     eta1              0.000                           
##     eta2              0.322    0.040    7.995    0.000
##     eta3              0.222    0.047    4.706    0.000
##    .t1_sc             0.000                           
##    .t1_intp           0.000                           
##    .t1_ext            0.000                           
##    .t2_sc             0.000                           
##    .t2_intp           0.000                           
##    .t2_ext            0.000                           
##    .t4_sc             0.000                           
##    .t4_intp           0.000                           
##    .t4_ext            0.000                           
## Thresholds:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     t1_|1   (t_s1)   -6.503    0.193  -33.781    0.000
##     t1_|2   (t_s2)   -2.537    0.075  -33.638    0.000
##     t1_|3   (t_s3)    0.738    0.048   15.360    0.000
##     t1_|1 (tau_i1)   -4.760    0.109  -43.520    0.000
##     t1_|2 (tau_i2)   -1.523    0.043  -35.274    0.000
##     t1_|3 (tau_i3)    1.053    0.038   27.665    0.000
##     t1_|1 (tau_e1)   -0.169    0.037   -4.639    0.000
##     t1_|2 (tau_e2)    2.421    0.057   42.739    0.000
##     t1_|3 (tau_e3)    4.000    0.086   46.341    0.000
##     t2_|1   (t_s1)   -6.503    0.193  -33.781    0.000
##     t2_|2   (t_s2)   -2.537    0.075  -33.638    0.000
##     t2_|3   (t_s3)    0.738    0.048   15.360    0.000
##     t2_|1 (tau_i1)   -4.760    0.109  -43.520    0.000
##     t2_|2 (tau_i2)   -1.523    0.043  -35.274    0.000
##     t2_|3 (tau_i3)    1.053    0.038   27.665    0.000
##     t2_|1 (tau_e1)   -0.169    0.037   -4.639    0.000
##     t2_|2 (tau_e2)    2.421    0.057   42.739    0.000
##     t2_|3 (tau_e3)    4.000    0.086   46.341    0.000
##     t4_|1   (t_s1)   -6.503    0.193  -33.781    0.000
##     t4_|2   (t_s2)   -2.537    0.075  -33.638    0.000
##     t4_|3   (t_s3)    0.738    0.048   15.360    0.000
##     t4_|1 (tau_i1)   -4.760    0.109  -43.520    0.000
##     t4_|2 (tau_i2)   -1.523    0.043  -35.274    0.000
##     t4_|3 (tau_i3)    1.053    0.038   27.665    0.000
##     t4_|1 (tau_e1)   -0.169    0.037   -4.639    0.000
##     t4_|2 (tau_e2)    2.421    0.057   42.739    0.000
##     t4_|3 (tau_e3)    4.000    0.086   46.341    0.000
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     eta1              4.736    0.302   15.656    0.000
##     eta2              5.466    0.348   15.704    0.000
##     eta3              5.478    0.336   16.284    0.000
##    .t1_sc             1.000                           
##    .t1_intp           1.000                           
##    .t1_ext            1.000                           
##    .t2_sc             1.000                           
##    .t2_intp           1.000                           
##    .t2_ext            1.000                           
##    .t4_sc             1.000                           
##    .t4_intp           1.000                           
##    .t4_ext            1.000                           
## Scales y*:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     t1_sc             0.418                           
##     t1_intp           0.533                           
##     t1_ext            0.528                           
##     t2_sc             0.393                           
##     t2_intp           0.505                           
##     t2_ext            0.501                           
##     t4_sc             0.393                           
##     t4_intp           0.505                           
##     t4_ext            0.500
#Model Diagram 
# semPaths(fit_strong, what="est",
#          sizeLat = 7, sizeMan = 7, edge.label.cex = .75)

2.4 Item Response Characteristic Curves

We can use the parameters to construct and look at Item Response Characteristic Curves

This is done by pulling parameters estimates from lavaan (facgtor loading and three thresholds), and then calculating the response characteristic curve. We deomstrate with one item.

Item Characteristic Curve for one item, t1_sc

#pulling parameters from the output
lambda_s <- parameterEstimates(fit_strong)[1,5]
tau_s1   <- parameterEstimates(fit_strong)[19,5]
tau_s2   <- parameterEstimates(fit_strong)[20,5]
tau_s3   <- parameterEstimates(fit_strong)[21,5]

#creating a sequence of ability scores
behavior <- seq(-3,3,.01)

#calculating probability of response curves
t1_scStar  = lambda_s*behavior

p123    = pnorm(t1_scStar - tau_s1)
p23     = pnorm(t1_scStar - tau_s2)
p3      = pnorm(t1_scStar - tau_s3)

p0      = 1 - p123
p1      = p123 - p23
p2      = p23 - p3
#putting int oa data frame
temp = data.frame(behavior,p0,p1,p2,p3)

#Plotting Response Characteristic Curve (Item t1_sc)
ggplot(temp, aes(x=behavior, y=p0)) + geom_line(size=2) +
       geom_line(data=temp, aes(x=behavior, y=p1), size=2, color="blue") +
       geom_line(data=temp, aes(x=behavior, y=p2), size=2, color="red") +
       geom_line(data=temp, aes(x=behavior, y=p3), size=2, color="green") +
       scale_x_continuous(limits=c(-3,3), breaks=c(-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3), 
                          name='Child Behavior Latent Variable') + 
       scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,1), breaks=c(0,.2,.4,.6,.8,1), name='P(y_i = k)')

We see how the probability of response changes for each category across ability levels. This plot is similar to Figure 15.6 in the book.

2.5 Evaluation of Invariance Models

We can do formal evaluations of how the various forms of invaraince compare.

Model comparison…
Looking at fit statistics

#Compare model fit statistics
round(cbind(configural=inspect(fit_configural, 'fit.measures'), 
            weak=inspect(fit_weak, 'fit.measures'),
            strong=inspect(fit_strong, 'fit.measures')),3)
##                               configural      weak    strong
## npar                              39.000    35.000    19.000
## fmin                               0.112     0.115     0.132
## chisq                            814.553   838.621   962.008
## df                                24.000    28.000    44.000
## pvalue                             0.000     0.000     0.000
## chisq.scaled                    1339.846  1198.931  1407.889
## df.scaled                         24.000    28.000    44.000
## pvalue.scaled                      0.000     0.000     0.000
## chisq.scaling.factor               0.610     0.703     0.687
## baseline.chisq                 84147.713 84147.713 84147.713
## baseline.df                       36.000    36.000    36.000
## baseline.pvalue                    0.000     0.000     0.000
## baseline.chisq.scaled          45237.710 45237.710 45237.710
## baseline.df.scaled                36.000    36.000    36.000
## baseline.pvalue.scaled             0.000     0.000     0.000
## baseline.chisq.scaling.factor      1.861     1.861     1.861
## cfi                                0.991     0.990     0.989
## tli                                0.986     0.988     0.991
## nnfi                               0.986     0.988     0.991
## rfi                                0.985     0.987        NA
## nfi                                0.990     0.990        NA
## pnfi                               0.660     0.770     1.208
## ifi                                0.991     0.990     0.989
## rni                                0.991     0.990     0.989
## cfi.scaled                         0.971     0.974     0.970
## tli.scaled                         0.956     0.967     0.975
## cfi.robust                            NA        NA        NA
## tli.robust                            NA        NA        NA
## nnfi.scaled                        0.956     0.967     0.975
## nnfi.robust                           NA        NA        NA
## rfi.scaled                         0.956     0.966        NA
## nfi.scaled                         0.970     0.973        NA
## ifi.scaled                         0.971     0.974     0.970
## rni.scaled                         0.971     0.974     0.970
## rni.robust                            NA        NA        NA
## rmsea                              0.095     0.089     0.076
##                     0.090     0.084     0.072
##                     0.101     0.094     0.080
## rmsea.pvalue                       0.000     0.000     0.000
## rmsea.scaled                       0.123     0.107     0.092
##              0.117     0.102     0.088
##              0.128     0.112     0.096
## rmsea.pvalue.scaled                0.000     0.000     0.000
## rmsea.robust                          NA        NA        NA
##                 NA        NA        NA
##                 NA        NA        NA
## rmsea.pvalue.robust                   NA        NA        NA
## rmr                                0.055     0.055     0.094
## rmr_nomean                         0.060     0.060     0.060
## srmr                               0.060     0.060     0.060
## srmr_bentler                       0.055     0.055     0.094
## srmr_bentler_nomean                0.060     0.060     0.060
## crmr                               0.060     0.060     0.103
## crmr_nomean                        0.068     0.067     0.067
## srmr_mplus                            NA        NA        NA
## srmr_mplus_nomean                     NA        NA        NA
## cn_05                            163.594   180.274   229.656
## cn_01                            192.906   210.377   260.765
## gfi                                0.993     0.992     0.991
## agfi                               0.981     0.983     0.988
## pgfi                               0.378     0.441     0.692
## mfi                                0.897     0.895     0.881

Relatively worse fit of the more constrained models is reflected in the AIC and BIC. However, the the CFI and TLI suggest that the strong and strict invariance models do have adequate model fit. With strong incentive to study change, we may conclude that the Strong Invariance model fits the data reasonably well.

Formal statistical improvements/decrements in model fit that accompany each set of constraints can be examined using chi-square difference tests.

#Chi-square difference test for nested models 
anova(fit_configural, fit_weak, fit_strong)
Df AIC BIC Chisq Chisq diff Df diff Pr(>Chisq)
fit_configural 24 NA NA 814.5535 NA NA NA
fit_weak 28 NA NA 838.6211 23.68773 4 9.23e-05
fit_strong 44 NA NA 962.0083 194.38052 16 0.00e+00
#lavTestLRT(fit_configural, fit_weak, fit_strong) #does the same as anova

With these data, all three pairs of tests show significant difference in chi-square. In all cases, we reject the null hypothesis that the models fit the same. The more constrained models fit worse than the less-constrained models. That suggests that there is NOT strong factorial invariance.

However, remember that we often have incentives to go on towards the examination of change. Given our goals, we may accept the evidence of strong invariance as sufficient (it is still a good fitting model) and carry on with the analysis of factor-level change.

For the purposes of this example, where there is incentive to be able to examine change across time, the strict invariance model is accepted - and we move on to construct a second-order growth model for change in the invariant “academic achievement” factor. That is, we impose invariance and move forward.

3 Second-order Growth Model

Once strong or strict invariance is supported or imposed for the longitudinal factor model, we can examine changes in the latent factor scores.

Working from the strong/strict factorial invariance model, we expand to model change in children’s latent academic achievement scores using a second-order latent basis growth model. Note that a few other adjustments have to be made for identification and scaling. Important to make sure the model matches one’s diagram as intended.

The diagram would look like scalar

There are both 1st order factors that establish the construct of interest and 2nd order factors that model change in that 1st order factor. Very cool!

Model specification

growth_invar <- ' #opening quote
#factor loadings
  eta1 =~ 1*t1_sc + #for identification
          lambda_i*t1_intp + 
  eta2 =~ 1*t2_sc + #for identification
          lambda_i*t2_intp + 
  eta3 =~ 1*t4_sc + #for identification
          lambda_i*t4_intp + 
#latent variable variances
   eta1~~psi*eta1 #equality constraints
#latent variable covariances
   eta1~~0*eta2 #fixed to zero

#latent variable means
   eta1~0*1 #fixed to zero 
# #propensity variances
#    t1_sc  ~~ 1*t1_sc
#    t1_intp~~ 1*t1_intp
#    t1_ext ~~ 1*t1_ext
#    t2_sc  ~~ 1*t2_sc
#    t2_intp~~ 1*t2_intp
#    t2_ext ~~ 1*t2_ext
#    t4_sc  ~~ 1*t4_sc
#    t4_intp~~ 1*t4_intp
#    t4_ext ~~ 1*t4_ext

#unique covariances
#observed variable intercepts
   t1_sc   |tau_s1*t1 + tau_s2*t2 + tau_s3*t3
   t1_intp |tau_i1*t1 + tau_i2*t2 + tau_i3*t3
   t1_ext  |tau_e1*t1 + tau_e2*t2 + tau_e3*t3
   t2_sc   |tau_s1*t1 + tau_s2*t2 + tau_s3*t3
   t2_intp |tau_i1*t1 + tau_i2*t2 + tau_i3*t3
   t2_ext  |tau_e1*t1 + tau_e2*t2 + tau_e3*t3
   t4_sc   |tau_s1*t1 + tau_s2*t2 + tau_s3*t3
   t4_intp |tau_i1*t1 + tau_i2*t2 + tau_i3*t3
   t4_ext  |tau_e1*t1 + tau_e2*t2 + tau_e3*t3
#second-order latent basis growth
  #growth factors
   xi_1 =~ 1*eta1+ #intercept factor
   xi_2 =~ 0*eta1+  #latent basis slope factor
  #factor variances & covariance
  #factor intercepts
    xi_1~0*1 #for scaling
' #closing quote

Model Estimation & Interpretation

#Model estimation
fit_growth <- cfa(growth_invar, data = dat, parameterization="theta",
                      ordered=c("t1_sc", "t1_intp", "t1_ext", "t1_int", 
                                "t2_sc", "t2_intp", "t2_ext", "t2_int", 
                                "t4_sc", "t4_intp", "t4_ext", "t4_int"))
summary(fit_growth, fit.measures = TRUE)
## lavaan 0.6-8 ended normally after 61 iterations
##   Estimator                                       DWLS
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB
##   Number of model parameters                        40
##   Number of equality constraints                    24
##                                                   Used       Total
##   Number of observations                          2922        3639
## Model Test User Model:
##                                               Standard      Robust
##   Test Statistic                               967.785    1270.049
##   Degrees of freedom                                47          47
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  0.768
##   Shift parameter                                            9.356
##        simple second-order correction                             
## Model Test Baseline Model:
##   Test statistic                             74458.518   38959.199
##   Degrees of freedom                                36          36
##   P-value                                        0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.912
## User Model versus Baseline Model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.988       0.969
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.991       0.976
##   Robust Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                            NA
##   Robust Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                               NA
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.082       0.094
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.077       0.090
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.086       0.099
##   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.000       0.000
##   Robust RMSEA                                                  NA
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower                        NA
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper                        NA
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.062       0.062
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Standard errors                           Robust.sem
##   Information                                 Expected
##   Information saturated (h1) model        Unstructured
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   eta1 =~                                             
##     t1_               1.000                           
##     t1_ (lambda_i)    0.729    0.031   23.251    0.000
##     t1_ (lambda_e)   -0.757    0.032  -23.672    0.000
##   eta2 =~                                             
##     t2_               1.000                           
##     t2_ (lambda_i)    0.729    0.031   23.251    0.000
##     t2_ (lambda_e)   -0.757    0.032  -23.672    0.000
##   eta3 =~                                             
##     t4_               1.000                           
##     t4_ (lambda_i)    0.729    0.031   23.251    0.000
##     t4_ (lambda_e)   -0.757    0.032  -23.672    0.000
##   xi_1 =~                                             
##     et1               1.000                           
##     et2               1.000                           
##     et3               1.000                           
##   xi_2 =~                                             
##     et1               0.000                           
##     et2               1.000                           
##     et3               3.000                           
## Covariances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##  .eta1 ~~                                             
##    .eta2              0.000                           
##    .eta3              0.000                           
##  .eta2 ~~                                             
##    .eta3              0.000                           
##   xi_1 ~~                                             
##     xi_2             -0.606    0.066   -9.121    0.000
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##    .eta1              0.000                           
##    .eta2              0.000                           
##    .eta3              0.000                           
##     xi_1              0.000                           
##     xi_2              0.041    0.017    2.382    0.017
##    .t1_sc             0.000                           
##    .t1_intp           0.000                           
##    .t1_ext            0.000                           
##    .t2_sc             0.000                           
##    .t2_intp           0.000                           
##    .t2_ext            0.000                           
##    .t4_sc             0.000                           
##    .t4_intp           0.000                           
##    .t4_ext            0.000                           
## Thresholds:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     t1_|1   (t_s1)   -6.658    0.215  -30.916    0.000
##     t1_|2   (t_s2)   -2.678    0.085  -31.503    0.000
##     t1_|3   (t_s3)    0.613    0.052   11.896    0.000
##     t1_|1 (tau_i1)   -4.918    0.124  -39.657    0.000
##     t1_|2 (tau_i2)   -1.629    0.048  -33.931    0.000
##     t1_|3 (tau_i3)    0.939    0.041   23.101    0.000
##     t1_|1 (tau_e1)   -0.107    0.041   -2.594    0.009
##     t1_|2 (tau_e2)    2.542    0.066   38.813    0.000
##     t1_|3 (tau_e3)    4.153    0.099   42.113    0.000
##     t2_|1   (t_s1)   -6.658    0.215  -30.916    0.000
##     t2_|2   (t_s2)   -2.678    0.085  -31.503    0.000
##     t2_|3   (t_s3)    0.613    0.052   11.896    0.000
##     t2_|1 (tau_i1)   -4.918    0.124  -39.657    0.000
##     t2_|2 (tau_i2)   -1.629    0.048  -33.931    0.000
##     t2_|3 (tau_i3)    0.939    0.041   23.101    0.000
##     t2_|1 (tau_e1)   -0.107    0.041   -2.594    0.009
##     t2_|2 (tau_e2)    2.542    0.066   38.813    0.000
##     t2_|3 (tau_e3)    4.153    0.099   42.113    0.000
##     t4_|1   (t_s1)   -6.658    0.215  -30.916    0.000
##     t4_|2   (t_s2)   -2.678    0.085  -31.503    0.000
##     t4_|3   (t_s3)    0.613    0.052   11.896    0.000
##     t4_|1 (tau_i1)   -4.918    0.124  -39.657    0.000
##     t4_|2 (tau_i2)   -1.629    0.048  -33.931    0.000
##     t4_|3 (tau_i3)    0.939    0.041   23.101    0.000
##     t4_|1 (tau_e1)   -0.107    0.041   -2.594    0.009
##     t4_|2 (tau_e2)    2.542    0.066   38.813    0.000
##     t4_|3 (tau_e3)    4.153    0.099   42.113    0.000
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##    .eta1     (psi)    0.922    0.077   12.042    0.000
##    .eta2     (psi)    0.922    0.077   12.042    0.000
##    .eta3     (psi)    0.922    0.077   12.042    0.000
##     xi_1              4.828    0.338   14.282    0.000
##     xi_2              0.357    0.031   11.600    0.000
##    .t1_sc             1.000                           
##    .t1_intp           1.000                           
##    .t1_ext            1.000                           
##    .t2_sc             1.000                           
##    .t2_intp           1.000                           
##    .t2_ext            1.000                           
##    .t4_sc             1.000                           
##    .t4_intp           1.000                           
##    .t4_ext            1.000                           
## Scales y*:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     t1_sc             0.385                           
##     t1_intp           0.496                           
##     t1_ext            0.483                           
##     t2_sc             0.412                           
##     t2_intp           0.527                           
##     t2_ext            0.513                           
##     t4_sc             0.398                           
##     t4_intp           0.511                           
##     t4_ext            0.497
#Model Diagram 
semPaths(fit_growth, what="est",
         sizeLat = 7, sizeMan = 7, edge.label.cex = .75)

Note that the diagram is not quite accurate - but does give us a general picture of the model we are working with. Helpful to re-draw by hand and map the output.

3.1 Plotting Factor Score Trajectories

Finally, we can visualize the predicted factor score trajectories by extracting the predicted factor estimates of the second order growth model and plotting.

Plotting factor trajectories.

#extract predicted factor scores

#define function to fit factor trajectories
fit.line <- function(xi1,xi2,t) {
  xi1 + xi2*t

#fit trajectories using estimated factor scores
out=NULL; temp=NULL
for (i in 1:nrow(pred)){

#reshape estimated scores to long format (for plotting)

#fit average trajectory (for plotting)
avg<, 0.041,time))

#plot predicted common factor trajectories (average in red)
  ggtitle("Predicted Trajectories: Second Order Growth Model") +
  ylab("Predicted Child Behavior Factor Score")+
  geom_line() +
  geom_line(data=avg,aes(x=grade,y=fit,group=ID),color="red",size=2) +
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0), color="red")

That was fun! The ability to incorporate item-level factor analysis within the growth modeling framework provides new opportunites for precision and the kinds of data that can be used for investigation and study of interindividual differences in intraindivudal change. Very exciting!

As always, be careful! Thanks for playing!